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Trial lessons

For your own wellbeing and personal growth, trial lessons offer everyone the chance to test the offers without commitment.


The trial lessons are designed as follows:
- 45 minutes practice

- 15 minutes of questions and answers

​​​Breathing and immune system 

Respiration is closely connected with metabolism and especially with the stress levels. We learn to recognise its signals and then manage it to promote an environment favourable to the development of a strong and resilient immune system.​

Stretching and Breathwork

Relaxed muscles are better supplied with blood and nutrients: learning to influence muscle tension by breathing leads to greater pleasure in self-awareness, improved posture, reduced muscle and joint pain, as well as physical and mental relaxation.

Description of the lessons at Studio Corpo
Description of the lessons at KineYoga

Breathing and energy flow

The QiGong movements benefit from the existing flexibility and are performed smoothly. Using techniques from Pranayama, we gently invite the breath to find its space anew. In this state, body and mind can begin to harmonise.

Relaxed sitting on the floor

Being able to sit comfortably on the floor in any situation is a comfort that allows a more relaxed practice both in meditation and with breathing techniques. Learn simple exercises to achieve the necessary flexibility in the hips.

Dates and places

02.11.2024 @ Studio Corpo, Efringerstr. 14, 4057 Basel

Breathing and immune system (10.00 - 11.00)

Stretching and Breathwork (11.15 - 12.15)

11.11.2024 @ KineYoga, In den Hagenbuchen 8, 4144 Arlesheim

Breathing and immune system (09.00 - 10.00)

Stretching and Breathwork (10.15 - 11.15)


07.12.2024 @ Studio Corpo, Efringerstr. 14, 4057 Basel

Breathing and energy flow (10.00 - 11.00)

Relaxed sitting on the floor (11.15 - 12.15)


14.12.2024 @ KineYoga, In den Hagenbuchen 8, 4144 Arlesheim

Breathing and energy flow (10.00 - 11.00)
Relaxed sitting on the floor (11.15 - 12.15)

Places are limited to 6 spots: please reserve yours by filling in the form below.

Attendance is cost free.

Informations / registration

Events (multiple choices possible)

Thank you for your request!

Studio Corpo - Klybasel

KineYoga - Arlesheim

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